A Note on COVID-19

At Be the Choice, we’ve always said that cancer patients need choices now more than ever before. This is especially true in the COVID-19 era. COVID has placed an immense burden on our health care system, resulting in delayed treatments, cancelled surgeries and postponed appointments. 

As we try to cope (and beat) COVID-19, cancer patients are waiting. We understand why, but this doesn’t make it any easier. 

Breast cancer patients need us more than ever before. We’re open 24-7, we’re peer reviewed, we’re sensitive to reproductive health, we’re comprehensive in outlining surgical options, and the tool is interactive and easy to use. 

Here’s what we’re doing to help:

In response to COVID-19, and to better serve breast cancer patients after COVID-19, we’ve enhanced our Decision Trees. Thanks to a dedicated team of volunteers from the medical school at the University of Ottawa, we carefully curated over 50 new resources. The Decision Trees now offer users a range of learning modalities including videos and links to other (reliable) websites and research studies. 

The external resources have been added to each decision tree on the relevant pages. Simply click on ‘links’ or ‘videos’ at the top of each page to access them: 


Be the Choice would like to thank Salem Ogbalidet, Mina Boshra, Hussain Alkhaiyat, and Jeanne Monique Séguin! Without your commitment and diligence, this project would not have been possible.

At Be the Choice, we’ve always been committed to working collaboratively with others in order to empower breast cancer patients to make informed decisions about the treatments they receive. Cancer and treatments are evolving quickly and Be the Choice is committed to evolving with this research.  

Want to stay informed about all of our projects? Subscribe to our Newsletter, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

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