

Some patients with DCIS may need some type of surgery.

The surgical options that you will be presented with will largely depend on your surgeon‘s training and confidence with certain procedures. If there is a surgical procedure that you feel is right for you, but your surgeon is uncomfortable performing it, you are allowed to ask for a second opinion, or even a third opinion. This is your decision and a highly personal one. However, it is important to appreciate that your individual case may be more time sensitive than others, and you should always make any medical decision in collaboration with your medical team.

Most surgical procedures will leave a visible surgical scar on your breast. It may be worthwhile talking to your surgeons about scar placement, so that your end result has symmetry and is as pleasing as possible.

Any surgery to remove the cancer may potentially limit your reconstruction options. Most patients who opt for a mastectomy can have reconstruction done at the same time as an immediate reconstruction. Some patients decide to begin the process of reconstruction after the skin and tissue have completely healed from any mastectomy (called delayed reconstruction). A patient that requires a lumpectomy can have oncoplastic surgery to restore a natural breast shape and symmetry at the same time as removal of the cancer, or they can decide on a delayed reconstruction. There are multiple advantages and disadvantages for each approach.

Types of Mastectomies: What is nipple-sparing reconstruction? – Sonia Sugg, MD

Learn more about nipple-sparing mastectomies vs. conventional and skin-sparing.

Mastectomy Breast Reconstructions Options:

Learn more about the breast reconstruction process following surgery.

What is Breast Reconstruction | Overview

Learn more about the different options for breast reconstruction (both immediate and delayed).

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